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Teacher Appreciation Week

Monday, May 8th through Friday, May 12th is National Teacher Appreciation Week! It is the week that parents all over acknowledge and appreciate the impact that teachers have on their young ones each year. Teachers play a vital role in society and make an impact to help form and develop the minds of those that will become the future. A teacher’s impact on a young mind goes far deeper than simply... Keep Reading

Product vs. Process Art

Bella, 4 years old, sits at the kitchen table waiting for her mom to get out the art supplies for the art activity for the day. Her mom brings the gathered supplies to the table and tells her daughter step by step the actions to do in order to create her art for the day. Bella sits and follows along completing each step as is told to her. When she gets done, she looks at her art compared to the... Keep Reading

Math is Everywhere!

Math skills are vital for a strong academic foundation. While many parents know of the importance of literacy skills in future academic progress, math skills for preschoolers are just as important as a foundational skill for future success. At Children’s Lighthouse, we believe in the power of math and have Math Learning Centers in our preschool classrooms and a Math Learning Lab in our... Keep Reading

The Science of Spring

Spring time is an amazing time of adventure and beauty! Warmer weather means that families can begin to get out of the house more and discover the world around them. At Children’s Lighthouse we have many spring curriculum activities that focus on outside exploration. Infants & Toddlers will gather flowers outside into a basket as they discuss where they grow. Our Pre-K classes will release... Keep Reading

Narration vs. Conversation with Young Children

Communication and dialogue with young children are vital in their development. Children learn from observing the world around them with all of their senses and auditory learning is especially important. Research has shown that the more words a children hear in their first five years of their lives correlates with reading success. A study in the 90’s, called the “30 Million Word... Keep Reading